What is the role of an Education Foundation?

An education foundation is a fund for the receipt and distribution of charitable funds given to the district by individuals, families, groups, organizations and businesses. It is a source of revenue that can be used to enhance the financial resources available to your school or district.

Foundations are important for schools because they can:

  • Improve educational experiences: Charitable foundations can help schools provide better educational experiences, which can lead to more opportunities for students. 

  • Build community: School foundations can connect schools with the community by engaging parents, alumni, and local businesses. This can lead to a sense of pride and ownership in the school, which can positively impact the quality of education. 

  • Raise awareness: Foundations can help raise awareness of educational needs. 

  • Raise funds: Foundations can help schools raise private funding support. 

  • Give a voice to citizens: Foundations can provide a way for citizens to have their voices heard. 

  • Build a classroom community: A strong classroom community foundation can help keep instruction on track and reduce the need to correct student behavior.