Meet the CEO

Dr. Maury Wills

Dr. Wills is a native of Austin, Texas. Dr. Wills’ skills as an educator and educational administrator have developed throughout a successful career in various fields of education.

With a solid background in educational research and evaluation, Dr. Wills has also served as a consultant to, or member of, numerous educational organizations and initiatives including, Mercer University Educational Study Panel, William Fulbright Scholar Program, Georgia Association of Educators, Association of Curriculum and Instruction, and Association of Supervision and Instruction. He has also received numerous awards and honors including, Extra Mile Award Teacher of the Year, Administrator of the Year, Atlanta Constitution and Journal Teacher of the Year Recipient. Dr. Wills was also honored as a William Fulbright Memorial Fund Scholar Recipient having the opportunity to study abroad in Japan, which he was only one of two Georgians selected for this prestigious honor. Recently, Dr. Wills has been invited as a guest lecturer to speak on behalf of the charter school movement in America in England.

Dr. Wills’ instructional leadership is deeply rooted in his philosophy of excellence and learning; “Every student will learn, given the opportunity to embrace a climate of high expectations, a committed support system, and connections to the context of the real world, the Three R’s: Learning with Relationships, Relevance, and Rigor!”